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Copyright © 2007 American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Published by Mosby, Inc.

Does an oral appliance reduce palatal flutter and tongue base snoring?

Stephanie Stouder DDSa, Loren Jones MD, Scott Brietzke MD, MCa and Eric A. Mair MD, FAAPa aWilford Hall Medical Center.

30 April 2007 2007年4月30日

Objectives 目的

Oral appliances are designed to treat snoring and sleep apnea by advancing the mandible and tongue. We test the hypothesis that an oral appliance affects palatal snoring as well as tongue base obstruction.


Prospective observational cohort study. Sixty patients with a chief complaint of snoring with or without apnea were enrolled. Each patient underwent a home sleep test followed by 3 weeks sleeping with an oral appliance. Each patient then underwent a repeat home sleep test while using the device.


There was a statistically significant improvement in the snores per hour (P = 0.0005), the maximum snoring loudness (P = 0.0001), average snoring loudness (P = 0.00001), and the percentage of palatal snoring (P = 0.0007). There was also a significant decrease in oxygen desaturation events (P = 0.003).


This study suggests oral appliances may be effective treatment for both palatal and tongue base snoring.


Objectives 目的



  前瞻性觀察的世代研究(prospective observational cohort study)。60位主訴患有鼾症(有或無窒息症)的患者參加。每位患者接受一項居家睡眠測試,再連續3周於睡眠時配戴口腔矯治器。使用這項裝置的同時,每位患者再重複接受一次居家睡眠測試。


  在每小時的打鼾數(P = 0.0005)、打鼾最大音量(P = 0.0001)、平均打鼾音量(P = 0.00001)、上腭鼾症百分比(P = 0.0007)方面,統計上顯示有明顯的增加。氧低飽和事件(oxygen desaturation events)也有明顯的減少(P = 0.003)。



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